Back to the studio

I really enjoy my studio work, and would do even more of it if I could.  I am not a photographer by trade since I make virtually all of my money some other way, but I often wonder.  I went to lunch with a colleague today and he asked if I would like to “go pro”.  I honestly thought about it and told him probably not at this juncture.  To take something I love and try to make my money from it would turn my joy into a drudge.  I listen to working photographer’s podcasts virtually every day, and they talk about the fact that a money-making photography business is mainly hard work, doing the less interesting side of the business most of the day.  Much more marketing than shooting.  Even JoeyL has to hustle to get new gigs, or some other new young Turk will scoop him.  The other aspect is that while I am not struggling to keep a roof over my head with my images, I can afford to be a LOT more artistic and let the chips fall where they may.

Back to the studio

Back to the studio

This was processed entirely in Lightroom 4.

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